

b.1990, Doddridge Busingye lives and works in Kampala, Uganda. He graduated with a Master Degree in Fine Art from Makerere University, Kampala in 2019 and a Bachelor Degree in Art and Industrial Design from Kyambogo University, Kampala in 2015. Busingye’s work has been collected extensively and exhibited in both local and international exhibitions.

His work dares to share his opinion on sociopolitical, economic and gender ironies of his time.

He endeavors to involve his art directly in the social struggles of post-independence Uganda. His inspirations are first, personal experiences; that is, his way of life, family, relationships, and his world views. His work is also informed by research through books, documentaries, and the current affairs.

Artist Statement

My work is inspired by my personal experiences and observations. I utilize vivid hues and poised figures as an agent of self-exploration, discovery, and expression. I meticulously arrange my compositions allowing intent to dictate form giving rise to an evocative body of work.Abstract concepts and emotions serve as the launching pad for my process. I mine both personal and community experiences often looking to the creative output of others for articulation. Gathering inspiration from poetry, music, and film, I encapsulate my thoughts into titles for future works. My concepts become loose outlines of statements, ideological sketches that define my figures and dictate their relationships within their surrounding environment.

My color pallets usually play with balance of contrast and harmony of value. In my portraits, I tend to paint dark bodies but with vivid colors.

My subjects of exploration vary from my personal experiences, gender and the sociopolitical ironies of life. Having grown up in Kampala, Uganda since the 1990’s, I have witnessed the rise of gender movements, urbanization and growth of multiparty politics in my country. These are at the core of my art creation.

Recent Exhibitions


Unspoken Feelings and Buried Truths- Thierry Goldberg Gallery, NY- 2022 (Solo)

Trip to Mind – Jinja, 2020 (Solo)


“ORIGIN” Galerie von Vertes & Destinee Ross-Sutton March 7 – April 18, 2024

Trending Now- AKKA Project, Dubai- 2022

Kampala Contemporary- AKKA Project, Dubai- 2022

African Identities- AKKA Project,Venezia- 2022

Hamptons Fine Art Fair- New York, 2021

East meets East- Israel, 2020

Kampala Art Biannale – 2018


Jahres Akademie 60 year Anniversary, KAAD Bonn, Germany-2018

Art creates water- Kampala,2017

MabArti Challenge winners-Kampala,2016


Music is a feature of man-German Embassy,Kampala,2015

LaBa Arts Festival-2015

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