Loving So Intensely That It Scares You

Love is often depicted as a gentle embrace, a warm feeling that fills your heart with joy and contentment. However, there’s another side to love that is rarely talked about—the intense, overwhelming kind that can be both exhilarating and terrifying. Loving someone so deeply that it scares you is a complex and often misunderstood experience, but it’s one that many people encounter at some point in their lives.

At its core, intense love is fueled by passion, desire, and a profound connection with another person. It’s the kind of love that consumes your thoughts, stirs your emotions, and leaves you feeling vulnerable yet alive. When you love someone this intensely, it can be difficult to control your feelings or rationalize your actions. You find yourself willing to sacrifice anything for the object of your affection, even if it means risking your own happiness or well-being.

Promise of Green Ring, 2023, Oil and Acrylic on Canvas, 200x180cm

The fear that accompanies intense love often stems from the realization of just how much power another person holds over you. You become acutely aware of your own vulnerability, knowing that your happiness is intricately tied to someone else’s actions and emotions. This vulnerability can be both exhilarating and unsettling, as it forces you to confront your deepest fears and insecurities.

Moreover, intense love can trigger a fear of abandonment or rejection. When you care for someone so deeply, the thought of losing them can be unbearable. This fear can manifest in various ways, from clinginess and possessiveness to irrational jealousy and insecurity. You may find yourself constantly seeking reassurance from your partner, afraid that any moment of distance or disagreement could spell the end of your relationship.

Where the Secrets Lie in the Border Fires,2021, Oil and Acrylic on canvas, 135x115cm

Despite the fear and uncertainty that come with loving intensely, there is also beauty and depth to be found in such relationships. They have the power to push you beyond your comfort zone, challenging you to grow and evolve as an individual. Through the highs and lows of intense love, you learn important lessons about trust, communication, and vulnerability.

However, it’s essential to recognize when intense love crosses the line into unhealthy territory. When fear and insecurity begin to dominate the relationship, it can lead to toxic behaviors and emotional turmoil for both parties involved. Learning to set boundaries, communicate openly, and prioritize self-care are crucial steps in navigating the complexities of intense love while maintaining your mental and emotional well-being.

In the end, loving someone intensely may indeed be scary, but it’s also a testament to the depth of human connection and the capacity for profound emotional experiences. By embracing the fear and vulnerability that come with intense love, we open ourselves up to a world of possibility, growth, and ultimately, profound fulfillment.

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One Response

  1. Barbara says:

    This is so relatable. Well written

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